Monday, May 21, 2007

Darfur, Darfur...

I think it's great that people our stating how they really feel about this project as a whole, so I'll do the same thing.

I think that this project is a lot more interesting than anything else we can do academically, and I'm not complaining at all. The reason that people are trying to complain about the project is probably because they can, and that it requires our own motivation in order to do this. However, I would hate having to learn more facts about wars, genocides, conflicts, or anything historically if it wasn't going to make a difference. Of course, it would be considered academic if it was that way. But jeez, come on, why are we learning about these things? So we can apply them to out lives! This is getting straight to the point.

Even though I'm not really inspired by these activists, I think it's easy enough to help people. And the attitude that you can't make a difference is very limiting; it kind of shows that people don't want to be bothered when they themselves are fortunate to even have food and shelter. I'm not worried about other people's indifference or whatever, I just want to say what I would prefer to do in my situation. If I didn't care to help needy people like those in Darfur, what else do I really have to do? It's not that hard, just write a couple of letters. Tell people about this problem in Africa. I'm not sure if I'm going to continue my effort to prevent war in Darfur, but I'm willing to help nevertheless.

What I'm going to continue doing is not trying to disturb anyone's lives around me. I want to get inner peace first, because working towards outer peace will not work if you don't have the inner first. Hopefully others realize this is the only true way to stop genocide once and for all. This is the most benefiting thing for the world. It is also important to help others only if you plan to help everyone. Otherwise, there will always be conflicts.

Well, that's all I have to say.

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